Ever since coming to youtube in December 2007, my life hasn't quite been the same!
Right before I joined to post my own material, I had no idea what youtube was. I knew it was a site you could go to and see funny home movies and clips of real tv shows and that was about it!
I had relatives/friends post a couple videos on it of me before I joined, mostly runway footage and clips of plays I was in. I still didn't understand. They posted this how? People comment? Huh? As I started to make sense of it, I figured why not post my own work? I have been a performer and professional a long time. But what would it mean to create something that could potentially be seen by thousands of people worldwide as opposed to hundreds of local people of whatever city I may be doing a play?
Sketch comedy seemed like the way to go. I've always been a goofball, since I was a little girl. Just ask my family and close friends. I remember acting out SNL skits for my high school drama class. But as my career developed, I was almost always cast in dramas! I'm always crying my eyes out over something, dealing with a life or death situation (as characters). People would be surprised to see my comedic side (and now those who know me from youtube would be surprised to know about my dramatic side).
Let's face it, it takes a lot to hold my attention and I'm sure most people out there surfing the web are the same way. Videos have to be funny, fun, short and highly entertaining. People ask me if I knew I would do well on youtube. Actually, I thought I would. I knew there would in fact be people out there who would get it and who would enjoy it. My parents might just be prouder than anyone. After watching their only daughter grow up in funny costumes, doing funny voices and dances...they're glad I'm showing that side to the world.
What I never knew, was that youtube is a community of fellow artists, creative minds, entertainers and friends. Over time you seem to get to know everyone. It takes awhile. But it happens.
I had no clue how to make myself known on the site at first. I thought, well, better introduce myself! In the first couple of months I put in a lot of time leaving various comments and messages to anyone and everyone. As I discovered who was already 'known' I would visit many of their pages, leaving comments for them, their viewers, etc. Only much later did I find out this is called 'spamming' and not welcome in the community.
To this day, when I get spam I really don't care. I understand someone trying to be friendly and not knowing how to start. Same with myspace. I had to start somewhere with building an internet presence. Actually it was all for the best or many people might not have ever come across my videos. Everyone can make up their own mind to subscribe or ignore, I'm much more willing to give someone a chance than not. The internet is a strange place and we're all trying our best to spread the word about what we do. Today, I'll still send out a handful of friend requests here and there. It's not pushy, it's a friend request. And someone will choose to come your way, or not. So that's what I'd suggest to those wanting to meet people on youtube.
So why youtube? I figured it would be a way to create how I wanted, whenever I wanted. Not too often in acting do you get the chance to be the boss! To do it all your way. From writing to costumes to editing to casting. I absolutely love that. I also figured the more people were aware of me, the more opportunity it could lead to. And it has more than I ever could have imagined. It's definitely been one of the best decisions I ever could have made.
There are people, of course, who will hate for whatever reason. To hate just to hate, to hate because they're intimidated, to hate because they're threatened by you, to hate because they don't like what you do, to hate because they don't want competition, to hate because they want to bring someone down who is happy and doing what they love. But fortunately I have the strongest core. I don't live a life of negativity and pessimism. I know who I am and what I want and live a very grounded 'real' life. I don't let the crazy makers in. Now of course there have been times where I've given a "f**k you" right back, but more often than not I just roll my eyes and block them. Remember this, usually a hater is like 12 years old. And if they're older? Well, what a sad life they lead! I see the world differently than a lot of people. I don't have spare time to waste on pettiness. You never know how long you'll be on this earth. How long your loved ones will be. What with my dad being sick, I know how fleeting everything is. I don't believe in cruelty. Everyone is someone's loved one. Would you want you or your loved ones to be treated that way?!
I firmly believe in karma. I have seen firsthand the power of karma. I choose to be happy and positive and follow my own path. *Side note, I totally should have been born as a hippie. I'm sooo in the wrong decade. Blog on that in the future!*
Meeting such supportive and wonderful people online has meant just as much to me as the outside jobs it's brought me. The kindness of strangers has been truly remarkable. It makes me want to be the best me I can.
What I never set out to do (or even thought about) was to be any kind of a role model. Or an inspiration. But that's something that happened regardless. I'm so moved when someone tells me I have inspired them to start making videos, or acting, or modeling, or pursuing their dream of any kind. Isn't that what humanity is all about? I believe we're each others teachers. Whatever we have to offer to the world and to each other, we should.
Anyway...this brings me to the latest little project, the Netflix Greatest Kiss contest. I am so moved by the kind comments on my videos and on the site itself! OMG! The last two days I see so many of my friends and viewers saying the sweetest most supportive things and I just want to say thank you so much! You guys mean the world to me! This is something that I honestly wouldn't have thought to enter, had I not been approached. I didn't know how to make these kissing videos, because I didn't feel it was "me". But it turned out to be great, since I wanted to come up with the most creative ways to do this without being obvious. I know constantly asking everyone for help with a contest doesn't always seem so attractive, either. But just bear with me a few more days! Your support is truly overwhelming!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy with my online life, but I know I have a long way to go! There are thousands of people that have yet to meet "BeanerLaRue".
I plan to continue on my path of "The Deena Show: woman of 1,000 faces" my goal being to be a master of disguise and as versatile as humanly possible!
So tell me. Why do you youtube?
What do you / did you hope to get out of it?
How is it better / worse than you thought?
xoxo Deena
And why the hell not shamelessly plug once more?
Visit youtube.com/Netflixgreatestkiss
and rate/comment/make a vid response for my
"My Girl - BeanerLaRue" video :)
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