Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Keep on holding on!

Ah, 10 hours until the podiatric surgeon will slice me open, break my bones and put them back together the way God meant them to be!  Or did God intend for my foot bones to be flawed as they currently are?  And if so, what right does mere-mortal-I have to interfere with His divine way?  But God, why would you fuck with me like that?  I question you, G.  And I guess that's why I've arranged to have this flawed and pain-inflicting foot fixed.  I asked the podiatrist if it would be alright to set up taping in the surgery room, but was denied.  "We don't do that," the nurse told me, "but YouTube has foot surgeries if you're curious to see!"  My mother says they won't allow it because I could use it as potential evidence in my potential malpractice suit against them.  She's probably right, but now that I ponder it at this late hour, it does seem like a smart quality control device.

I could be really mean here and embed a video of this foot slicing spectacle, but you're spared for the time being.  For now, I'm going to share with you the first movie I watched in the month of February--a little taste of what to expect from the entire February log of roughly 15 movies.  

Les enfant du paradis (1945)!
Everywhere else this title is indexed by its English translation, Children of Paradise, but this being the only French phrase I can properly pronounce I always ultimately decide to write it thusly.  None of my film history students spoke French so I passed the first public speaking test of its title.  That's fantastic.  And so is the whole movie (I had enough time to show my students only a six minute clip), which I chose as my Superbowl Sunday evening entertainment on Sunday, February 1, 2009.  If you're out there in Internetland, film students, please watch Carne's film and share your thoughts in the comments thread!  Or just watch it.  That will also do fine.

More to come soon!

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