Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Good Day

Today was a good day. I'm still dealing with some sinus stuff but it's not as bad as yesterday. I went to church and heard a good sermon about priorities that challenged me to examine what it is that I really treasure in life.
Later on in the day I went with my friend Karen to Ikea. It was packed. It's always good to make a visit to Ikea though. After Ikea, I went back to Karen's house and her husband Scott had been cooking ribs in their smoker. They invited me to stay for dinner. The ribs were wonderful!
Today has been good day: worshipping my God, Ikea, good food, and laughing with friends. It doesn't get much better than that for me. Life is good. God continues to bless me in so many ways.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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