Saturday, March 17, 2007

no vest?!? (big presentation part 1)

T-Minus: 14 days...

Location: Port Chalmers
Objective: Signature
man does time fly by... which is absolutely no good when you're running on a tight deadline people of the web wide world!

though unlike other weeks gone by i do have one possibility for success in meeting my governmental criteria!

that is helping out andrew with his presentation on new zealand sports...

giving me a call last night andrew checked to make sure i was still coming. there was just two catches one was that it was way out in port chalmers (a small community way out on the peninsula... which is quite a LONG walk from where i am living right now), and that it was going to be a BIG OFFICIAL presentation as part of a big deal celebration going on at port C.

without thinking (which happens often with a brain the size of mine) i said i was still totally in...

then it occurred to me both these new bits of info were kinda a big deal!

first off a big official thing... AHHHHHH... i haven't done one of those in like almost a year now! (well okay 8 months... but so much NOT official things have happened since then... the closest to this was the eco centre in BC, and we all remember how that turned out!)
i was going to need a second opinion on whether i could do this or not. more to the point i needed an ego boost... there was only one man qualified to do both these in the time i had...
now it's been a little while since i've talked to my special talent agent... why almost a month on the dot... i had no way of knowing who he'd be working with that alone where on the planet he might turn up.

turns out he's doing some work with the people of cadbury chocolate. helping their mascot improve his sweet selling savoy... what can i say my agent is the best...

peter was excited to hear from me. turns out he's learned there's a BIG cadbury factory in dunedin (wow news to me!), and that i should drop his name there at some point and see if i can get some work out of them... definitely worth noting...

sadly didn't have time to worry about that immediately. i had a presentation to worry about.
peter said it was a great idea, and that i need not panic about anything bad happening. though the eco centre incident wasn't the best last note to have been on i only had anywhere to go but up! so he said to break a leg (though preferably someone elses) and good luck with the show. peter had to get back to show the cadbury dude a thing or two about how to make glasses look cool...

okay so there was that problem taken care of...

now i needed a way to get to port chalmers... well there was only one person i knew who could help me with that part of the plan...

CRAIG... uh what is craig's last name come to think if of it!

that's right my good old legal guardian, discoverer, and buddy craig. now i've been living with him a little while, and well frankly i haven't been the best closet surfer (no i haven't been surfing in his closet. just sleeping in it). so craig hasn't been too happy with me lately. added to the fact my sneaking into new zealand got him into some trouble too...

anyways craig had some big plans for the weekend, but explaining my situation to him, and after a convincing speech (in which i most certainly didn't cry and act like a temper tantruming 4 yr old... though in fairness i AM only 4!) he agreed to take me out to port chalmers...

now the plan had been for him to just simply drop me off, but arriving at the big event they had planned the organizers assumed that we had BOTH showed up to take part. next thing craig knew they had him in a pretty snazzy vest if you ask me, as "security". some guys have all the luck. though craig wasn't too happy about it... something about writing off his whole day...

oh man one of these times i'm hoping somehow i can make it up to him. he has been such a nice guy and here i go just taking and taking. well once i meet my government criteria i'll be in a place to do so. for now this is the ending of the meaning... or was that the means justifies the ends... or the means justifies the ends of meaning???

anyways craig was supposed to stick to the harbour and patrol along the dock, and make sure everything was cool for the open house that was going on at the port. i wish i could stuck around and check out all the boats and ships, but i had business to get too.

that was tracking down andrew...

track him down i eventually did! he was busy grabbing some lunch from a big display of something called haggis... at least andrew said he was grabbing it. though before i said hi i could have sworn he was sneaking it... after all i thought it was for guests. andrew had one of those nice vests on too like craig. meaning he was working here for the day. or so i thought.

wonder why i didn't get one of those cool vests?

andrew showed me the haggis quickly. man i'm a great carnivore, and this stuff even sickened me out! what is it?

more to the point how much of that stuff did andrew have to eat... ewwwww

with his lunch out of the way andrew took me to where we were going to do the presentation. we had an hour to figure out what we were going to say, and do. however andrew spent most of it saying how he was worried about talking in front of so many kids, and eating these things called pineapple lumps...

it was just as the first of the kids were showing up for the presentation that andrew said "okay so all we have to talk about is the sports of new zealand. So remember we'll just focus on cricket, rugby, and football."

hmmmm i've heard of cricket's before. though how you play a sport with jimmy the cricket is a bit beyond me...

oh man and the kids are here for the talk!!! i have to go people of the inner web...

wish me luck... i'm going to need it!!!

to be continued....

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