Saturday, February 14, 2009


alright so as you know i've headed out into the field (thus this auto post... remember i won't be back till the end of next week).

though i am trying to find the lost quarrys of francis slate, i'm just as likely to stumble into all sorts of other cool things here in the badlands.

and stumble i have! well checking around the bottom of a hill i catch glimpse of this spot.

it got me REALLY excited, and hopeful that i was on the edge of a big discovery...

what did i see in the photo that got me really excited? why did seeing these get me excited? and what was i hoping that the thing(s?) i saw were indicating might be close by?

leave your answer in the comments to this post, and check back on feb. 21st when i get back in from the field and announce who was right and who was well... uh less right.

good luck!

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