Monday, August 10, 2009

What the fuck do you care? Yeah, I said FUCK!

Ok. So. The top picture is taken from my facebook page a couple of months ago. You'll see there is some man trying to tell me and my contacts what language is acceptable.

Hmmmm...I thought this was my own personal facebook? I thought there was a little something called freedom of speech? The other day, I checked one of my email addresses and saw "Pete" still hadn't let it go. This is an old email accounts that I don't even use or post for people to contact me anymore. Somehow "Pete" found it. If you can't read it, this is what he said:

"Would you cuss that way on Facebook if your own children were listening to it? You won't be talking to our grandchildren that way, on Facebook or anywhere else. I think you should grow up. You've got a lot of talent but you're wasting it. Think about it when you're a mother (I don't know if you are one yet). It's not just Facebook. You have a responsibility in a public domain and you should have a conscience considering children and families. Other than that this destruction of our connection wouldn't have been necessary. Good luck. God bless you in your future endeavors. Pete from Facebook.

No really. You can't make this shit up. Where to start?

Let's see, "Pete"...first of all, how do you "listen" on Facebook? Who's grandchildren are you fucking talking about? Hate to break it to you but if you're concerned about what they see on my page you should probably ban them from the internet all together!

I love that you think I should "grow up", because you know me oh so very well. Here's the thing, the beauty of creating an online personality is that you only show what you want.

You don't know me. You know characters.

My private life is something only my real life close friends and family get to be a part of. Hate to burst that fucking bubble.

So I've got a lot of talent and I'm wasting it. Gee Petey, last time I checked I was pretty fucking busy 24/7 working as a professional actress, finishing up various theatre gis, booking two more, one of which is a world premiere, just getting back into town from a high profile runway event where I was one of six models, churning out videos like a mother fucker, coreographing two routines for the troupe I dance with, scheduling upcoming photo shoots, juggling film projects, traveling and wishing I had time to work on the other 100 projects swirling around in my head...shall I go on or do you get it honey? Am I wasting time because I'm not a movie star? By all means, go ahead and wave your magic wand.

No dear, not a mother. I'm fucking young. Because I live where I live and all you think of is the stereotype of girls getting married right out of high school and churning out babies does NOT mean I'm one of them. Open your mind, I'm too busy with a fucking career.

Another thing that might blow your fucking mind...ready for this?

I do not have a responsibility because I'm in a public domain in any way shape or form.

I can do whatever the fuck I want here and if you don't like it you don't need to be a part of it. Real easy, isn't it? Did I set out to be a squeaky clean role model? FUCK NO. Never did I claim it, never would I want that. If I'm so offensive to you, your family and your children JUST DON'T WATCH. The minute I start to censor myself and worry what people think is the minute this is all for nothing. I don't roll that way. Never have, never will. You can't please everyone. What a waste to live your life that way.

I'm sorry I used foul language, dad. I mean Pete. Wait! Oh my god! I already have a father. In fact he's one of my Facebook contacts so you can just shut the fuck up.

I love that you think I'm such a badass. Little ole me, what with all the real creepers, porn, god knows what on the internet that you certainly don't want your grandkids seeing...I assume.
Yup. I'm soooooo bad.

Destruction of our connection?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU???? I blocked YOU, remember? And then you still emailed me. I don't know who you are, or anything about you. And guess what? Vice versa. God, Pete, get a fucking life. You're probably far too old to have your panties in a bunch and give such a shit.

Your message irks me. You know why? Because it shows you think women should pop out babies and set your idea of an "expample" by saying and doing the "right thing".

You don't have to agree with me and I don't have to agree with you...but I would NEVER think it was my place to tell someone I didn't know that they should behave the way I wanted them to.

And just for the record? I swore in this blog approximately 14 times, just for you.

Cheers! Deena from facebook.

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