Thursday, December 3, 2009

Martha Stewart Magazine will be the death of me.

If anyone reading this has come across this magazine and thought to themselves, "Hm, this would be a fantastic recipe to try"- please, I beg you, flip the page. Brandon and my Mom can attest to the fact that this recipe was not only quite difficult but single handedly allowed us to dirty every bowl and spatula in my Mom's kitchen (which is saying something considering my Mom has so many bowls and spatula's we don't know what to do with them all). Maybe it was the fact that my pregnant and irritable self didn't have enough patience while making them, maybe it was the fact that we were rushing out to dinner that night, or maybe it was the fact that there was my beautiful christmas tree waiting to be decorated... whatever the case, these *individual* {cough-cough-GIANT) Martha desserts were more trouble than they're worth. Mom's original chocolate mousse recipe still reigns supreme althought we liked the cake recipe and the mousse had its strong points. We all decided that just ONE of those rounds is enough dessert for 4 people (unless your name is Jacquie and you happen to be pregnant with one very hungry baby girl!). And on a side note I have to mention that little Sammy loved the mousse because it lacked the strong coffee that Mom's mousse (originally my Aunt Sharon's recipe) calls for.

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