Monday, March 8, 2010

Life is beautiful

This is part II to the blog just before the last one.
There are many, many exciting this going on right now! Now I can fully tell you, in detail, what's been happening!

I am truly lucky this year. I am in rehearsals for a one night staged reading of "Stumped" that we'll be performing on wednesday. Next week I begin rehearsals for the world premiere of "Amerigo" and I'll be playing Sor Juana. If you don't know who she is, google her. I cannot believe I get to portray someone so profound, so smart, so important. It's truly an honor. May 1st I'll be performing in a one night only benefit "Banned/Slammed" and in May, I'll start rehearsals for "Hair". Just typing that chokes me up. I get to play Sheila. It's been a dream show and role for five years now.

I know what a fickle mistress this business is and I relish each and every moment a golden opportunity comes my way. I truly know and appreciate it more than anyone will ever know. The fact that I have gotten to and WILL get to check so many dream roles off my list in my life blows my mind. Absolutely. Blows. My. Mind.

I am so full of passion about what I do sometimes I feel like I could burst. I want to cry, to scream it from the rooftops. I always have been and always will be in love with the stage, first and foremost. It is my home, it is my calling, it is what's right for me...where I feel the most beautiful and the most confident. What I crave and where I get to dress up, play pretend and escape awhile. Where I get my emotion out. Where I get a chance to tell a story to others and perhaps have the kind of affect on a person or two that seeing theatre had on me when I was little. A chance to leave a mark. To change a life. It's what gets me. Down to my bones.

Because of theatre, I met the man of my dreams and still cant wrap my head around the fact we get to do what we love together...

Four years ago I played Kate Keller in "Miracle Worker" and this exchange has been in my head ever since:
Captain: Katie, how many times can you let them break your heart?
Kate: Any number of times

Through a zillion rejections, not getting cast (when I was just certain of it and yet knowing much better than to never assume) I still believe that "any number of times" is worth it for the times when you do get it.

It's the most important, most precious way I could ever hope to spend my time and energy.

*Whew* And that's me :)

In other super duper exciting news... I get to shoot my first centerfold in a pinup magazine next sunday! I'm dying... I'm shooting with a brilliant photographer in an amazing dress with a 1932 black roadster with a red interior.

I'm just truly grateful to everyone who is reading this, who's supported me, believed in me, been kind to me and taken a chance on me. That's all I want to say...


Me <3

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