Thursday, April 29, 2010

looming doom... the OH-lympics are on!!!

i won't lie. i'm kind of angry people of the web wide world...

angry at the one guy i thought i could trust... my special talent agent peter bond.

i'd given him money to take lillian the albertosaur around the world and try to reclaim her lost fame... i didn't give it to him to fund these dinosaur OH-lympics of his! i currently have nothing left. meaning i'm stranded here in canada!

peter assures me that if these OH-lympics are a success i'll not only make my money back, but a lot more... which is fine and dandy, assuming he is right... but how often do things work out in my life?!?

meaning my only hope of getting back to new zealand is to go ahead with these crazy games of peter's... otherwise i'm doomed.

although speaking of doom, i have to say the start to these games are turning out to be very scary!!!

peter took aside the whole of team canada, which consisted of myself, norman a. centrosaurus, and lillian to tell us about the first event. immediately we dinosaurs could all tell something epic was about to go down. literally go down too! as looming behind peter was the first venue of the dinosaur winter OH-lympics...

this first game was something called ski jumping... which no, unlike its name does not mean you're trying to train a ski to leap or something (uh not that that's what i thought it was at first or anything...).

no apparently, in this human sport, the skis are strapped onto you and you jump off of a giant tower which only serves the purpose of being there for people with skis strapped on them to jump off of! how crazy is that?!? to my human readers, seriously what is going through your heads when you come up with these crazy "sports"?

(i guess i should mention that the giant tower has a ramp attached to it... making the jump a bit more interesting than a straight down plunge... i guess)

than came the tense moment, when we were going to decide who was going to jump off the big tower... there was good news in this, only one of us would have to do it. the bad news was that one of us would have to do it...

there was no way i was going jump off that tower!!! sadly for me my other two teammates had the same stance on the topic as i did...

"come on now team canada!" peter tried to rally us. "we need to show the world who the best is, and we can't do that if you're all too afraid to even step forward to the challenge."

"he thinks the jumping is the challenging part," norman muttered aloud for us all to hear.

"i'm more worried about the landing myself," i pointed out.

lillian rather than focus on the choosing issue, asked peter a very pointed, and frankly good question. "why are you telling us all this and selecting one of us now? can't this wait till we're up on the tower at least? when we can see exactly what we are doing."

"YEAH!!!" me and norman piped in together. it was a good point, why weren't we at the top of the tower?

"well my canuck-osauruses," peter cautioned. "the price we pay as the host team, is that unfortunately during events i won't be able to be your acting coach."

this didn't phase us as much as i think peter wanted it too. he'd been expecting a big gushing or something. however the lot of us just looked at each other unsure why this was a big deal... of course, none of us had ever participated in any sports before. we were going to find out all too soon why having a coach is a good thing.

with our lack of concern about his absence, peter pushed things back to selecting our ski jumper.

"i only have two skis," peter outlined. "so i need a biped to jump."

norman let out a sigh of relief. me and lillian nervously looked at each other. though i just knew that peter was going to select me. between me and lillian (norman to come to think of it) i was the most adaptive and human like out of the lot of us. if one of us was going to stand a chance of making this jump alive it was me.

which is why i was completely thrown for a loop when peter said. "now as the point of this sport is to travel the furthest, i'm reckoning weight will be the most important factor of the skier. so lillian as coach i'm picking you."

phew! i thought for a moment. then it hit me... i may not have been plunging to my doom, but the girl of my dreams about about to!!!

before i could speak up in protest, peter started to take off away from the ski jump. "okay gang, break a leg... oh right, don't do that! make canada proud and bring us home a gold instead!"

bring back some metal ore? what did that have do with speeding off a tower on two planks of wood?

before he was out of sight peter added. "oh and while the events going on, tune into channel 299 and let me know how i do."


so while lillian is potentially learning why tyrannosaurs weren't the direct relatives of birds, peter would be doing what exactly?

to be continued: with leaping lizards!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We Have All Had A Day Like This On Our Fitness Journey...

As I sit here watching the Cav’s beat the Bulls and advance to the next round of the 2010 NBA playoffs; I can’t help but think how miserable I feel. See, I didn’t get a chance to workout today… It is like the entire universe was against me pressing play!!!

1. I didn’t get enough sleep last night… But, I still could fight through it and workout, right????

2. My wife was extremely late picking me up from work, making me grumpier then normal… Best time to workout and release some stress, right???

3. By the time I did finally get home I was really tired… Again, fight through it and press play, aye????

4. It’s my daughter’s birthday… Maybe I can fit the workout in, she won’t care as long as I order her some pizza, right????

5. Finally, we are watching our neighbors two little boys while they go out tonight; thus they are now playing Wii in the room I workout in and running all over the house…

Ummmmmmm, OK!!!! That’s it… I’ve had it!!!! I will just make the day up!!!! I’m just not in the mood!!!!

We have all said this or had this happen or have had this feeling on our fitness journey...

But here is a silver lining…

You felt bad for not working-out and that is a good thing!

I feel horrible for not working-out!!!! Which is an awesome feeling!!! I still feel like crap, but I will feel better tomorrow when I get the workout in. See, that is a change in my mentality and I can finally say that I think I’m starting to get my mind right, going into month two of Insanity!

My first week of month two was like starting from day one, all over again. It really sucked! Everything I thought I was ready for went out the window after the warm-up of the first day of month two. The first workout was Max Interval Circuit and it killed me. It was double the time of the workouts in month one and the moves were twice as hard. It was a crushing blow to my ego. The next day was Max Interval Plyometrics and it was equally hard. You still get the crazy cardio, but they throw in all the jumping and strength training you expect from a plyo workout. Max Cardio Conditioning was next up and it was truly insane! Non-stop cardio and strength training with nonexistent breaks! This one was my favorite of the month two workouts thus far. Finally, it was time for Max Recovery and then I started the whole thing over again until my rest day. All the workouts are double the reps of the month one workouts and about 20 mins longer.

I had a head cold the entire week and felt horrible, but I kept pressing play and made it through the week. As I move through my second week, I feel a lot better and can feel my strength and cardio improving with each workout. My weight loss has seemed to have slowed down, which is not a good thing for me mentally. I’m stuck at 179 lbs and still would like to lose another 13 lbs. I’m trying to tweak my diet and I’m also using Hydroxycut Hardcore, which I enjoy because of the energy boost. I have had to add more carbohydrates back into my diet because I felt like my workouts were suffering. I just felt sluggish and fatigued. My workouts have improved, but my weight loss has stopped. I will have to find a way to balance to two… Any suggestions?

Other then that, I’m happy with my results thus far and I promise to stay committed!

I will keep pressing play!!!!



A Python in the Potty?

Sore Muscles? Don't Stop Exercising

Delayed onset muscle soreness is common after exercise and usually means your muscles are getting stronger.

Starting a workout program can be challenging. Making the time to exercise, creating a balanced routine, and setting goals are hard enough, but add to that the muscle soreness that comes with adapting to that regimen, and it may be difficult to stay on track.

Chances are, you won't be leaping out of bed to get to the gym when it hurts to hold your arm up to brush your teeth.

After participating in some kind of strenuous physical activity, particularly something new to your body, it is common to experience muscle soreness, say experts.

"Muscles go through quite a bit of physical stress when we exercise," says Rick Sharp, professor of exercise physiology at Iowa State University in Ames.

"Mild soreness just a natural outcome of any kind of physical activity," he says. "And they're most prevalent in beginning stages of a program."

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Exercise physiologists refer to the gradually increasing discomfort that occurs between 24 and 48 hours after activity as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and it is perfectly normal.

"Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common result of physical activity that stresses the muscle tissue beyond what it is accustomed to," says David O. Draper, professor and director of the graduate program in sports medicine/athletic training at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

To be more specific, says Draper, who's also a member of the heat-responsive pain council, delayed onset muscle soreness occurs when the muscle is performing an eccentric or a lengthening contraction. Examples of this would be running downhill or the lengthening portion of a bicep curl.

"Small microscopic tears occur in the muscle," he says.

The mild muscle strain injury creates microscopic damage to the muscle fibers. Scientists believe this damage, coupled with the inflammation that accompanies these tears, causes the pain.

"The aches and pains should be minor," says Carol Torgan, an exercise physiologist and fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, "and are simply indications that muscles are adapting to your fitness regimen."

Even Bodybuilders Get Them

No one is immune to muscle soreness. Exercise neophytes and body builders alike experience delayed onset muscle soreness.

"Anyone can get cramps or DOMS, from weekend warriors to elite athletes," says Torgan. "The muscle discomfort is simply a symptom of using your muscles and placing stresses on them that are leading to adaptations to make them stronger and better able to perform the task the next time."

But for the deconditioned person starting out, this can be intimidating. People starting an exercise program need guidance, Torgan says.

"The big problem is with people that aren't very fit and go out and try these things; they get all excited to start a new class and the instructors don't tell them that they might get sore," she says.

"To them they might feel very sore, and because they aren't familiar with it, they might worry that they've hurt themselves. Then they won't want to do it again."

Letting them know it's OK to be sore may help them work through that first few days without being discouraged.

Ease Those Aching Muscles

So what can you do to alleviate the pain?

"Exercise physiologists and athletic trainers have not yet discovered a panacea for DOMS," says Draper, "however, several remedies such as ice, rest, anti-inflammatory medication, massage, heat, and stretch have been reported as helpful in the process of recovery."

Stretching and flexibility are underrated, says Sharp.

"People don't stretch enough," he says. "Stretching helps break the cycle," which goes from soreness to muscle spasm to contraction and tightness.

Take it easy for a few days while your body adapts, says Torgan. Or try some light exercise such as walking or swimming, she suggests. Keeping the muscle in motion can also provide some relief.

"Probably the most important thing is to have a cool-down phase after your workout," says Draper. Right before finishing, include 10 or so minutes of "easy aerobic work such as jogging or walking followed by stretching."

At Brigham Young, Draper has been researching the use of heat remedies to treat muscle soreness. In clinical tests, a portable air-activated heat wrap -- in this case a product called ThermaCare -- applied directly to the skin was beneficial to subjects.

"When muscle temperature is increased, blood flow increases, bringing fresh oxygen and healing nutrients to the injured site," he says. "This increased blood flow also helps to wash away the chemical irritants responsible for pain."

While sore, don't expect to set personal records. Most likely, during a bout of DOMS, your exercise potential will be out of reach, says Draper. Delayed onset muscle soreness usually affects only the body parts that were worked, so perhaps you can work other muscle groups while letting the fatigued ones recover.

In a nutshell, don't beat yourself up. Just take it easy.

"Since there's a loss in muscle strength, athletic performance won't be at peak levels for a few days," says Torgan, "so it's best to plan a few days of easy exercise to prevent further muscle damage and reduce the likelihood of injury."

Don't Get in a Rut

It's also a process of muscle conditioning. Torgan says delayed onset muscle soreness also has a "repeated bouts" effect.

"If someone does an activity, they will be inoculated for a few weeks to a few months -- the next time they do the activity, there will be less muscle tissue damage, less soreness, and a faster strength recovery."

This is why athletes often cross-train and vary their routines to continue to challenge and develop their muscle strength.

It is important to distinguish the difference between moderate muscle soreness induced by exercise and muscle overuse or injury.

"If soreness prevents you from performing daily activities associated with living and work, then that is too much soreness," Draper says. "It can psychologically deter someone from continuing a workout program."

Both Draper and Torgan stress that soreness is not necessary to see improvements.

"There are all kinds of different little roads that your muscles can take to get stronger," says Torgan. Regardless of whether you're sore, there are still improvements occurring in your muscles during exercise.

However, moderate muscle pain might go a long way to keeping someone on the path to fitness.

"Soreness can serve as encouragement in a workout program because people like immediate results. Muscle doesn't visibly [grow] overnight; nor does your time in the mile drop from eight to six minutes," says Draper. "So something like soreness can give people encouragement that they are in fact working the muscle."

WebMD Feature source:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

fossil of the weekend! #66

stupid innerweb! i had this post all set to go up for this weekend... as i was going to be busy with the first OH-lympic event (working on the post as we speak!). here was what you should have gotten this weekend...

a cast of the cool transitional Tiktaalik, not a fish but not quite an amphibian. a "missing link" if you will, not that that term is used anymore... as this guy probably isn't directly related to amphibians but rather an off shot from the lineage. yet he still gives us an insight into what this transitionary form sort of looked like!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I just met one of my BFF's new baby boy! He is gorgeous. One week old, tomorrow. So crazy to see a close friend as a mom now. She went through a lot for him to be here, I am blown away and still trying to fathom it all. She's a superhero...and he's absolute perfection.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Backyard Dinosaur #1

i've been a bad little dinosaur. i haven't been keeping up with my cousin of the week feature. not just for a little while. for a whole four months!

so rather than be dishonest about keeping up with that project, i'm going to reboot it into a new format. after hearing a talk by Dr. Scott Sampson, i've been really enamoured with his concept of birds being "backyard dinosaurs". so that's what i'm going to call my bird feature of the week from now. (as for my encounter with dr. sampson, stay tuned it's coming up in the olympics!)

our first backyard dinosaur is this little downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens). i found it due to the rhythmic taps its beak made on the telephone pole , as it tried to bore through the dead wood to get at some insect or insect larva borrowing inside.

(as a big part of dr. sampson's message about backyard dinosaurs is for people to try and discover lessons from nature in our own lives... i'm going to include a small backyard challenge for you each week. if you have a great backyard discovery tell us about it in the comment section!)

backyard challenge:

take 5 minutes one day and watch what sorts of birds come into your backyard and which parts and things in your yard they make use of.

i bet you'll be amazed at how adaptive all those birds are, and just how things in your backyard they make use of. human made or natural! my woodpecker was making heavy use of that phone pole, something we usually take for granted everyday as a people thing, not used by nature at all...

The Acting / Modeling Blog

I get asked for advice. A lot. I tend to stay vague, simple. There are very, very few with whom I discuss my true feelings and thoughts on a precious subject.

I live in Salt Lake City. There IS a professional scene here in town, but it is small. Very small. Obviously. On one hand, the NYC scene seemed small to me too. I began seeing the same people at auditions, but Salt Lake is it's own thing.

Let's talk theatre. I know actors who say it's too hard to have their equity card here, that there is no work. Others have asked if I think they should work towards getting theirs. Because we live where we live, this is a very individual thing. Taking my equity card, knock on wood, has been the best move I could have made. I have done at least two plays a year since and had great insurance that made very expensive prescription affordable when I needed it. I like being a professional. I like being taken seriously. I like working on a different level. To those wondering if they should, I'd say work at every professional theatre in town first. Make sure you know you can get cast there. If you are a straight actor as well as a musical theatre performer your chances at working more are much better. There is so much more opportunity to work professionally as a straight actor in this town, but we have more musical folks. Make sure you get roles first. Actual leading roles. No need to take your card if you're always chorus. You just won't work.

Training. Okay, this is touchy. I don't want to offend anyone, so I'm not sure how to say this. I trained and graduated in NYC. It was absolutely invaluable. I couldn't have come this far without it. Too many people in this town do not train. In my experience, and I've been doing this a long time, it is a VERY VERY VERY rare person who does not need to train. A workshop through a local agency is NOT sufficient. I'm not even going to comment on what I think of some of Utah's local BFA programs. This is why I stay out of conversations on acting, technique, etc. with most of my fellow actors. I'm over that part of it, at least for now. I lived that in NYC for years, and day in and day out that was ALL any of us could talk about. Now I'm more interested in who actors are if they AREN'T talking about acting. I feel what I've learned is from another world, and I'm on my own here that way. As I think back on the performances that blew me away, that forever changed me and made me want to do this in the first place, they were by polished, trained performers. Down the road I believe that the best form of training is doing it, but formal training is the starting point.

Now let's talk film and modeling. I have the best agents in SLC. Do I work a lot? Not a lot as it's not LA. Have I booked jobs? Yes. Is it worth having representation? Yes. What blows my mind is how many "actors" I come across who think they don't need representation, who think they can do it all on their own. I guess it's one thing if this is your hobby, not your career and it's worth your time to go out with a group of "filmmakers" and collaboratively shoot your student film. If you don't want to make any money or work professionally, then by all means knock yourselves out. But it's just playing pretend. It's not serious. Look at it this way, don't you at least want to get sent on auditions that you wouldn't know about otherwise? Isn't opportunity what we're all looking for?

Modeling here is nuts. Any and every girl seems to call herself a model because they've got a Model Mayhem page and have done a few TFCD shoots. That's great to build up your portfolio...and hell, I'll still shoot an occasional TFCD if the photographer is great and can offer me something I've yet to do, but please. There are "models" in this town who, I'm going to say it, don't look anything like models. Try your hand at the biz anywhere else? A big city? You'd be in for a rude awakening. I am surprised to see how many people there are playing "pretend". Doing shoots, uploading mediocre photo after mediocre photo, from mediocre photographer after mediocre photographer. I guess if it's all in good fun and again, a hobby, it's okay. But there are people I've come across that take it all WAY to seriously.

Again, "filmmakers" who don't have a reel to show you?! Who talk a big game but don't have a script for you to read. Who have learned a few lines from their Acting 101 manual that they can toss you to "entice" you.

There are so many bogus agencies here, and the fact that they're in business and suckers keep on falling for it BLOW MY MIND!

It's hard to have tolerance, patience.

I have decided to become even more selective with who I work with and the connections I make. I work too hard, I've built to much to let others share in it who don't deserve it.

I'm not trying to be a bitch, just smart. Professional. An adult.

One persons opinion. You know how it is, "one persons opinion" is what we tell ourselves in this business each time we don't agree with something. :) We are all narcissistic (yes, we are or why would we chose this path?) we all think we're right.

So there you have it, folks. My personal opinion.
A personal opinion from someone who does this as a career...not a hobby.

xo Deena Marie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Elliott Williams' Current Projected Draft Position

NBA to San Antonio SpursDraft Express#25 to Memphis GrizzliesMyNBADraft#30 to Washington WizzardsHoops Hype#25 to Memphis to Memphis Grizzlies

Tigers After Top Hoop Recruit, Perry Ellis, of 2012

Jarvis GreerPosted: Apr 19, 2010 10:55 PM CDT20-12 may seem like a long time from now, but NOT in the Wild, Wild World of College Basketball Recruiting.And, Definitely NOT for University of Memphis Head Coach Josh Pastner.As a matter of fact, a Who's Who of College Coaches attended the Workout Monday night of Wichita, Kansas High School Forward Perry Ellis..Names like Former Tiger Boss John

Joe Jackson & Jelan Kendrick with the dish-and-Dunk combo

Joe Jackson & Jelan Kendrick with the dish-and-Dunk combo

Pastner says Memphis scheduling Arizona State for home-and-home series

Tucson Citizenby Javier Morales on Apr.17, 2010, under SportsMemphis coach Josh Pastner was a recent guest on the “Ryan and Brad Whenever” podcast, and among the topics discussed was Pastner’s non-conference scheduling.Pastner, a former UA player and assistant coach, told hosts Brad Malone and Ryan Mayes that Memphis is currently scheduling a home-and-home series with ASU. When asked if a

Yahoo Sports: NCAA hoops stock report

By Jason King, Yahoo! SportsApr 16, 12:47 pm EDTOne season after failing to make the NCAA tournament, the Baylor Bears nearly reached the Final Four this spring before falling to eventual NCAA champion Duke in the Elite Eight.Syracuse won a Big East championship and earned a No. 1 seed despite losing its top three players from 2008-09.On the flip side, North Carolina missed the tournament after

MaxPreps: 2010 Recruiting Class - Memphis Still #1, Kentucky Up to #4

Top 25 college basketball recruiting classesBuckeyes or Tigers at the top?Wednesday, April 14, 2010There have been 4 comments about this story.By: Jason HickmanMaxPreps.comOne of college basketball’s youngest head coaches has pulled together the nation’s top recruiting class.Josh Pastner, just 32 years old, will bring five players in’s Class of 2010 Top 100 to the University of

The one label Tulsa cannot shed yet

American ChronicleBy ERIC BAILEY Athletic director Bubba Cunningham was asked to label the feeling surrounding Tulsa's basketball program. "Frustration," Cunningham said. Does Golden Hurricane coach Doug Wojcik agree? "Absolutely," said Wojcik, who just completed his fifth year at TU -- one filled with lofty expectations deteriorated in the final weeks, leaving the Hurricane absent from the NCAA

Spring Cleaning

So I've deleted my myspace page. RIP myspace. Over 5 K friends no more. There was just no point. I don't use it, I don't communicate with anyone there like I do on facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. I didn't like that there was a site floating around with a bunch of my stuff on it that I wasn't regularly checking and monitoring. Feels good to have one less website to worry about!

Spring cleaning. I've also started a massive undertaking of cleaning out my closet and REALLY trying this time to get rid of things I've had for years and don't wear. I mean YEARS. I feel like I'll want it as soon as I throw it out but let's face it, some of this is in just plain poor condition. Plus at the rate I shop I need to make room. I smell an ebay sale for the special pieces I'm about to part with!

Thank god it's finally spring. This was the longest winter of my life. I need summer, I need warmth and sun!

What else can I clear out and or make room for this spring?

What about the spring cleaning of people and connections?

There are some people, I've learned I need to be more careful with. I can't loose energy over one sided friendships. I can't give if I rarely receive. Just like I can't seek people out to work together if they're not as confident and excited as I am from the get go. People who condescend or give only backhanded compliments are NOT worth a second thought. They also no longer phases me, I just feel embarrassed me FOR them. I'm also learning to forgive and move forward with other people. It feels good to "grow up". :)

xo Deena Marie

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Basketball on Insanity

This week was my recovery week and boy did I need it! I have been going hard for the first 30 days and have dropped a lot of weight. I have also gotten a whole lot quicker and stronger. How can I tell? Well, during this recovery week, I have decided to get back out and start playing basketball again.

About 11 years ago, when I was stationed at Offutt AFB, NE, I used to play basketball everyday. I was 24 yrs old and could run and jump with anyone. Even though I'm only 5'7, I play like I'm 6'6 and could jump out the gym. I was in pretty decent shape back then. Well, a few months ago, I decided to go play again... Bad idea... I was out of shape and still smoking cancer sticks... Boy, did it really show on the court! I ran, my almost 200 lbs ass, up and down the court and damn near had a heart attack! I haven't been back since; until this week.

Last weekend was the start of my recovery week, so I headed to the gym to play. It was awesome! I was so quick and felt as if I could run forever! Thus, yesterday, instead of doing Core Cardio and Balance for 6th time, I decided to go play ball again. Once again, my body didn't disappoint! But, there are two things that I notice; one good and one bad.

First, the good thing was my strength. I felt more powerful when I went up for rebounds or set picks. I could also fight through picks better and was even quick enough to sometimes jump around them. That is all a credit to how much better my strength and balance has become from my Insanity workouts. The only bad thing is that my stamina isn't where I want it to be yet. I found myself still getting gassed after a few sprints up and down the court. I want to improve that and hope that month two will be the catalyst to improve my conditioning. But, I did notice that even though I would get gassed, my recovery time was short and I was back in it after a minute or so break in action. I also credit this to my Insanity workouts.

I am totally satisfied with my results thus far and excited to see what the future holds for my body transformation. I plan on going hard during month two and working on getting my conditioning where I want it to be. I'm going to tweak my diet and tryout some new supplements, in an attempt to cut some more weight. I also plan on getting out there and jogging on my recovery days. I have my military PT test coming up and want to run my 1.5 mile course weekly, to see where I'm at. I will keep you all posted on what works and doesn't work for me, as I continue on this journey. Recovery week is over... I'm ready for month two!



My new belly on Insanity... Recovery week after month 1

Oh... I almost forgot!!!! Here is my Insanity tip of the week...

This week I will leave you with an awesome and healthy alternative recipe to one of my all-time favorite breakfast items... The Breakfast Burrito!

Stan's Heathy Breakfast Burrito

1 Reduced fat flour, multi-grain, or whole wheat tortilla (the larger the better)

1 Raw whole sweet potato grated

1/2 cup Low fat mozarella cheese

1/4 cup Low fat cheddar cheese

1 cup Eggbeaters/egg white product

2 tablespoons I Can't Believe It's Not Butter LIGHT

1/2 cup Chopped onion

1/2 cup Chopped fresh tomato

Pinch of salt

Pinch of pepper

Hot Sauce, Jalapenos or Red Pepper Flake to taste

Nonstick Nonfat cooking spray


1. Place a skillet over low heat and spray with nonfat cooking spray.

2. Add the grated sweet potato to the pan along with the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light

3. Add onions immediately and stir until potatoes and onions are soft.

4. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.

5. Add eggbeaters.

6. Add hot sauce, Jalapenos or red pepper flake to taste and mix together until cooked (Note: Be careful here... Don't add this ingredient if you don't like spicy foods... I like it hot!!!)

7. Mix in chopped tomato near the end. (Note: You could also add a low fat salsa if you like... But I use fresh tomatoes)

8. Heat tortillas in microwave for 30 sec and add egg mixture down the center of the tortilla.

9. Add 1/4 cup low fat mozarella cheese and 1/8 cup cheddar over the egg mixture and fold tortilla into a burrito

Yields about 2 Burritos

Nutrient value:

1 Burrito:

350 calories

Fat: 12.1g

Saturated Fat: 5.1g

Cholesterol: 18mg

Sodium 668.8mg

Carbs: 28.6g

Fiber: 9.9g

Protein: 27.5g