Monday, February 2, 2009

do tyrannosaurs like apples?... (world tour: new york part 1)

i got a most unexpected surprise today! my phone rang. which as you might know people of the innerweb, typically in my life means something kinda big is going to happen... good and/or more often bad...

in my usual small brained fashion, i'd forgotten that it wasn't just me having fun and adventures away from "home"...

for while i am back here in drumheller reconnecting with my past, two other significant people in my life are off wandering the world about to have their own adventures.

that was of course my special talent agent peter bond, and the girl of my dreams lillian the albertosaur.

it was none other than peter on the other end of the phone call when i picked up. "hey there big guy, you'll never guess where me and lillian are right now!"

i had no clue... they could be anywhere!

i'd of course entrusted peter, my agent, with helping the theropod goddess lillian try to reclaim her lost stardom. to do this he insisted the two of them might have to hit a few places around the world... a trip i was footing the bill for.

before peter could draw out the guessing game any longer... which i could tell he desperately wanted to... i heard lillian in the background growl in tyrannosaurese "new york," which of course i repeated to peter in english...

peter was floored as to how i figured it out. lillian gave a tyrannosaur version of a laugh (which sounds kinda long soft grumble) as she understood english, but couldn't speak it unlike me (almost all modern vivus-dinosaurs can understand their local human language, just most can't speak it). i thought it was pretty funny too.
"well anyways," peter said recomposing himself after losing his sure fire game. "we're here in the big apple, and about to see if we can get lillian a full time gig."
that was terrific news!!! if peter could pull that off, not only would lillian's troubles be gone, but she'd be in one of the most interesting cities on the planet!

"so we'll be in touch as things develop here my main man," peter assured me. "come on lillian we've got a date with destiny!"

i couldn't wait to hear, hopefully, good news...

so to peter and lillian i think good luck...

to be continued...

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