Sunday, February 8, 2009


okay here is the first ever tyrannosaur chronicles Palaeo CHALLENGE!!!

the idea is to test your palaeontologic know how and thinking skills. hopefully everyone is a winner!

so your first problem...

i am out in the badlands currently trying to find this lost quarry of francis slate. one of my main clues/tools for finding this lost quarry of his is this photograph.

there is possible problem with this photo that, if i forget to take into account, will lead to my not recognizing this spot. even if i'm standing right on top of it!

what COULD be the problem with the photograph, and what is the easy solution i should make sure to do, so i don't fail at my quest?

good luck! leave you answer and solution in the comments to this post, and check back on feb. 21st when i get back in from the field and tell you who got it right!

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