Saturday, February 7, 2009


Wowie, everyone! Your support in this Netflix contest has been above and beyond what I had ever anticipated! I have promoted on all of my sites, mainy facebook and a couple of times on  and while you've all probably gotten sick of hearing about it you've been so willing to help view and share and leave a comment and rating.  It's all helping! I am so touched by my viewers and friends! I check Netflix youtube page each day and was so surprised to see you leaving comments of support as well! I can't even tell you what it means to me!

THANK YOU to FREDDY! My fabulous co-star in "My Girl" who I adore working with and who has gotten a zillion people involved, even people who didn't even have a youtube account! He's been able to get so many of his friends signed up and supporting us, so thank you to all of them, too! You rock! 

As of today on we're #2 Most Viewed and #1 Most Discussed.  We're at about 9,000 views and we'd like to continue on this path! If you HAVEN'T yet taken a peek, please do so! Head over to my channel and leave a comment and a rating on the video playing on my autoplay! Again, for everyone who's done this?! We cannot thank you enough! 

I hope Freddy is now officially sucked into the youtube world... I think he is! Mwa ha ha ha! His channel where he'll soon be uploading his own videos is and you can follow him at 

Only two days are left in the contest, so bear with me, and we'll get back to the norm and new videos at The Deena Show! Weeee! Have a great weekend everyone! :) 

xoxo Deena 

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