Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don't F@#K up Valentines Day!

A happy valentines day video from me to you.  Three of my favorite youtube friends and I collabed this year, so get over to my channel and watch "How not to F@#K up on Valentines day".  At the end of the video, you'll be able to click on the other three girls pictures to view their video.  Clever no? Something else I'd just like to point out, is another person I'm often told I look like is Katy Perry.  I've never really thought so until I watched this particular video.  Ok, maybe now I see what you mean.  A little.  Makes me giggle.  The above pics are from the vid. Anyway, working hard on the big show saturday night.   You haven't lived until you've seen some burlesque.  That's all for now!


Deena Marie

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