Monday, April 18, 2011

Lots of Sleep

I wrote yesterday that I was pooped from all my walking. I must have been really, really pooped because I took a three hour nap in the afternoon and then slept about ten hours last night. I did wake up feeling rested but I'm still sore from walking.
I guess I needed all of that sleep to recover from the walking. I am grateful I took the day after the marathon off as a vacation day. I will definitely need it to recover.
I've got a short work week but two long days ahead of me. I have the last in our series of Partner Family classes tomorrow night in Clermont County, Ohio. On Wednesday I have my writing class. I still need to finish up my home work assignment for class. I guess I had better get busy doing it.
I'm taking Thursday as a vacation day and Friday is a holiday for our office. My sister Shelly and nephew Michael are coming up from Tennessee for the weekend. So, it's going to be a busy few days.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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