Thursday, April 28, 2011

NBA Deal or No Deal: Maloof which to choose?

Is it not surprising that the Maloof brothers to fight with obviously the decision to shift the franchise before closing file on Monday imposed by the NBA.
You have to choose between fighting: If you move the Sacramento Kings at Anaheim, they have to want to fight against the NBA.
? If you decide to stay in Sacramento, the fight against the rising tide of red ink, at least several years.
In both cases, the odds seemed against him.
The NBA relocation committee of seven members of the Maloof said in a conference call on Wednesday that the movement of the Kings Anaheim rejects the proposal, the Committee has serious doubts to another team on the market in Southern California has reached closer to the Lakers and Clippers.
It has to be demonstrably taken at least one year for a feasibility study on building and financing a new stadium by the recent public comments by Commissioner David Stern, the NBA and the Sacramento Kings can and the resulting proposal will be fully investigated to stay.
But Maloof have this road before many times and of course, is pessimistic about supporting the community that the financing arena, perhaps through a public-private partnership in the state capital. Sacramento voters have spoken loudly and clearly used in the past that they do not want public money for a new stadium.
That is probably why George Maloof, the Commission said at the press conference on Wednesday that the team does not want to Sacramento and welcomes move to Anaheim.
The question is also the arena for the Maloof Sacramento for months with representatives of the Anaheim Arena Management, the Henry Samueli negotiated possession of the leading Honda Center in Anaheim.
Many thanks to the deep pockets Samueli has Anaheim treat a treasure that could save immediately assembled the Kings' lack of profitability.
Until Wednesday, the Maloof against filing for relocation, leaning, even in the face of such opposition, because the agreement with Anaheim seems too good to pass up.
How good is it? While Mayor of Sacramento Kevin Johnson has recently been promoting corporate commitments in excess of $ 10,000,000, Anaheim Arena Management officials have quietly lined up commitments from companies are louder than promises triple Sacramento. In addition, AAM will be 13 million premium income from guaranteed that the Kings say they are.
Samueli result of these guarantees to a spokesman for the AAM.  NBA-ready  More than 70 million U.S. dollars in improvements and upgrades at the Honda Center, the league asked in recent visits to the beach at six? A year television contract of at least $ 24,000,000 each year of the Games team in a variety of broadcast networks.
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? A personal loan of at least $ 75,000,000 for the Maloof provided to cover moving expenses, including moving expenses.
Although the City Council unanimously approved the proposal Anaheim at the end of March the issue of up to $ 75,000,000 in lease revenue bonds to cover the overhead costs of sand and improvements in the transition, the door MEA critic once said Samueli agreed to meet in person the cost after a group of signatures collected in Anaheim Sacramento, to try to force a referendum on bonds. (Someone in Sacramento, the money will be spent in the signature campaign soon, a red face.) Samueli has also agreed to buy a minority stake in the Kings. It is probably several million dollars in revenue for the Maloof.
All these attempts to literally millions of reasons for the Maloof present if they want to fight against the NBA and the game to the 16 votes  yes  (the owner of NBA 30) are needed to approve the move.
Conceivable the Maloof could move without permission, cited competition rules and dare to try the league to stop it, such as San Diego Clippers, Donald Sterling has succeeded in moving to Los Angeles in 1984. But the NBA has changed its constitution after losing the lawsuit and now requires that any future movement of the franchise by a majority of owners must approve.
And even though the Maloof decided not to present and back to Sacramento, they immediately face a new battle.
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Even if the plan on the ground to replace outdated pavilion gains traction power balance, with the Maloof wait years to be built for them to play for money, what Stern recently losing site of the plant as a  poor, and his second to last stage .
There is also a question whether the family can afford to millions of others can expect a new stadium to lose. If they can not be Maloof are forced to the right to vote, maybe a billionaire interested in how to sell Ron Burkle?
And if a new arena is not built in Sacramento, forcing the family to move to another or to sell to someone who wants to move the team, for example, Kansas City, where a relatively new field waiting for?
Soon the Maloof have to choose to fight in the battle.

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