Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Daily Grind

I have felt this week like I'm living a bit in a rut. I'm not sure why. I have done some different things. On Monday evening I went with my brother-in-law Rob to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I really enjoyed it. I have had some meetings in and out of the office that are different from my regular routine. Yesterday I got to have lunch with two of my co-workers. We approved a new Habitat Partner Family on Tuesday. I have received some new applications for Habitat home ownership. Yet, with all of this I have felt like I'm in a rut.
I think the rut is not so much my daily routine with work but more in my spiritual life. I am feeling a bit distant from God. I recognize that God hasn't moved so it must be me. I am working on getting involved in a small group at my church. I think this will help. However, I wonder if there isn't something else I need to doing to nurture my spirit and relationship with God. I wish I had an answer.
The good thing is that usually when I'm feeling like this, God has lessons for me to learn if I pay attention. It feels like something is just around the bend and I need to prepare myself for whatever might be coming. While I don't know what's going to happen, I trust that God does know. It's that sense of trust that will sustain me through this time of feeling like I'm caught in the daily grind in life.
I am ever grateful for God's presence and love in my life. I am also grateful for your willingness to be a part of my journey!

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