Saturday, October 30, 2010

50 years of love!

50 years of love! That's FIVE DECADES, people! Can you imagine...?
Really imagine?!

Last night was my sweethearts parents 50th anniversary party. It was so nice. It was calm, elegant, special. There were moments during the 16 minute video he made for them that I got teary. I was there the night he filmed them answering questions like, "where did you meet? What was your song? Who was in the wedding party? Name eachothers favorite movie. Milestones? Advice?" But to see it cut together with music and PICTURES! Oh, the pictures.

I have been with my sweetheart for five years. The longest either of us have been with anyone. It's gone by so fast to me. Is that how they feel at 50 years? It's crazy to look at the photos and see them through five decades, changing with the times and changing with age. What does that feel like? To age together? To be completely different people now, at least to the outside.

It must feel like a disguise. That's how I imagine I will feel. It's me, it's still me in there...and if anyone only knew. The life I had, everything that had ever happened to me to make me me. I imagine it will be freeing. Still wanting to look good and take care of yourself, but not in the same way or the same "pressures" as now. You're relieved of that. What's it like to look at the face of your sweetheart and remember what it was like when you first met? When you were only in your first five years together? And what it was like to be young...and wasn't he so handsome and wasn't she so beautiful...? Will he still find me beautiful? Maybe more so.

What does it feel like for all that time to pass? To know the majority of your life together and your life in general is done? Is it peaceful? Is it stressful? Not wanting it to end? Scared of how little time, really, is left? Do you make peace? Feel contented your life was what it was, good and bad? It ends someday. It hit me in a different way last night. This all ends. Not in a sad or scary way. Kinda beautiful. Kinda cool.

Made me think what a magical time our 'earth time' must be. And how cool it is that if you're really lucky, you find your person to partner up with for it all...

* * * * * * *

Myself, mama & papa


A handsome son & papa!

<3 <3 <3

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