Thursday, October 28, 2010

Home Ownership Class

Tonight we had a home ownership class session for our Habitat Partner Families. We talk about the responsibilities of being a home owner, being a good neighbor, home owners insurance, and budgeting for emergencies. It was a pretty good class.
What I like most is spending time with our Partner Families. They are amazing people. They work, raise kids, some attend school, and on top of all of this they have to complete 500 sweat equity hours helping to build their homes and other Partner Families' homes. I don't know if I could do what they do. I think I am much too slothful. I don't know if I would be as motivated.
So, whenever I get to spend time with our Partner Families, I get inspired to excel at what I do. I want to support them and encourage them. I want to give my very best to them and to the mission and ministry of TriState Habitat for Humanity. I want them to have the all the tools they need to be successful home owners. I want them to be able to pay it forward each month by making the mortgage payments so that future Partner Families will also be able to realize their dream of home ownership.
I continue to thank God for the opportunity to serve the poor in this way. I wake up every morning excited about what I do and whom I serve. Of course, there are challenges. Nothing goes smoothly all the time. However, I feel like those are the things that they pay me to do because most of my job I would do for free. It gives me that much joy.
I hope you will join me in praying for our Partner Families as they move through the Habitat Partnership process. They have a lot on their plates. They are going in a hundred different directions. They have much to accomplish. I know that they are often very stressed with all that they have to do. On top of all of this, they continue to struggle from day to day with the challenges of being poor.
Thank you for your prayers and for being a part of my journey!

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