Saturday, February 26, 2011

8 Mile Day

In my preparation for walking the half-marathon, today my friend Karen and I walked 8 miles. We walked at a locale mall. It was a pretty good place in which to walk. It opens at 7:30 AM and it was pretty deserted when we got there except for a few staff people and a bunch of people waiting outside two of the athletic shoe stores. They were waiting in line to buy some kind of special Michael Jordan athletic shoe. I'm not sure if this was the first day they were available or they were on sale. Whatever it was, there was quite a crowd.
It took us about two and one-half hours to walk the 8 miles. While I was sweaty after it was over, I was not in as much pain as I was last week. I guess I'm building up a bit of endurance. Karen did feel a bit like slow pokes when we were walking. There were several old people who were walking also and they whizzed by us with lightening speed. They were power walking or something like that.
After we walked, Karen and I had brunch at IHOP. That was nice to just sit and recover and have a good meal.
I'm asking for prayers for my sister Shelly. I got word last night that she broke her arm. She is home now after surgery and spending the night in the hospital. I talked to her briefly today and she seemed in fairly good spirits. I'm sure it was quite an ordeal and she has a long road to recovery and healing ahead of her.
Thanks for your prayers and for being a part of my journey!

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