Saturday, May 28, 2011

Austin Kleon: To do the math...and at the same time dream

I discovered Austin Kleon when I came across a link to his essay
"How to steal like an artist".

Please read it. I promise it will be the most beautiful & inspirational thing you'll read this year.

Since then, he's become my favorite person to follow on twitter
and tumblr

Through his posts I've become aware of artists, books, images, quotes, excerpts and funny websites that always peak my interest and give me a giggle, dose of inspiration and even the chills.

I'm listening to his "How to steal like an artist" podcast as we speak and wanted to shout him out to anyone reading my blog.

I particularly like his conversation about your twitter, tumblr or flicker as your stock. The stuff that may stick around. Such as a great photo, a poem or blog. He says some of his major traffic comes from things he posted years ago.

Something to think about. "Building flow into stock". Like an archive. "These become the outlines for important things."

His book, "Newspaper Blackout" is just that. Newspaper, blacked out to leave poetry. He still makes them and you can purchase prints or get sneak peeks if you're following him online.

"Art is subtraction". He says in the podcast, "turn off the screen and turn your gaze on the person that is most important to you".

My favorite one he's made to date I even added to my list of favorite quotes:

A couple of things I've stolen (yes, literally. Sorry Austin!) from him and reblogged:

I told you that you'd want to follow him! :)

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