Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bringing Good News

I got to be the bearer of good news to two families today in my work with Habitat for Humanity. Our Board of Directors approved two new Partner Families and I had the honor and privilege of calling both families and giving them the good news.
This is one of my favorite things I get to do as the Family Services Coordinator. I get to tell families that they can now move forward with realizing their dream of becoming home owners. I get to share the good news that, if they meet all of the requirements and expectations of Habitat Partnership, then they will one day move from sub-standard conditions into a new home that is safe, decent, and affordable. I get to offer them hope in the midst of some very challenging life circumstances.
I also tell each family when I call that if they thought the application process tested their patience, they are now in for a whole new season of being patient. They will have to complete 500 sweat equity hours, pay a down payment, attend classes, fill out forms, and jump through a whole bunch of other hoops before they can close on their home. There will most likely be weather delays and sub-contractors and volunteers may not work work as fast as they want them to work. There can be set-backs with inspections and materials supplies. Yet, in the end, if they are patient and keep up their end of their partnership agreement, then we will help them to become home owners.
Whenever I make these calls, families have many different reactions. Some of them whoop and holler into the phone. Many of them start to cry. Today, one family gave God thanks and praise for this blessing in their life. The reaction is always different but there always seems to be a deep sense of gratitude from each family. That attitude of gratitude is powerful. It often humbles me to silence and prayer. There is no better feeling than to offer hope to people and feel that hope spilling over into my own heart.
It's been another long day but I end this day with a heart full of gratitude. I am thankful that God has led me to serve the poor in this way. I am grateful for the honor and privilege of bringing good news to families in need. I am grateful for the way in which God works in my heart and teaches me through our Partner Families. I could not ask for a better place in which to be in ministry. I continue to drink in big gulps of God's grace in my life and I am forever grateful for this opportunity.
Thank you for being a part of my journey!

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