Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Wonderful Ministry

I attended a meeting today with the Director of Living Waters Ministry in Hamilton, Ohio. We met to talk about ways in which TriState Habitat for Humanity and Living Waters Ministry might collaborate to serve the people of Hamilton. I left the meeting feeling excited by the work that was already being done by Living Waters and how Habitat might come along side them and serve some of their current clients through our home ownership program and possibly through the new Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative that Habitat is helping to launch.
While the task before us seemed a bit daunting, I also felt much hope as I learned more about what Living Waters Ministry is already doing to make a huge different in the lives of the poor in Hamilton. I felt proud of my denomination to know that Living Waters was founded in 1999 by United Methodist Churches. Living Waters offers free programs for children such as recreation, academic enrichment, mentoring, nutrition, fitness, field trips, and service opportunities. They also help refer clients who need medical care, food, clothing, housing, utilities assistance, legal advice, translation services, job training, and transportation. Living Waters coordinates a community garden and teaches children and youth about gardening, food preparation, and nutrition. They sponsor a Christmas store, health fairs, and summer block parties.
Living Waters has also recently renovated a former public school building and they preparing to expand their work to that site. By the time I was done hearing about what they do and what they plan to do, I felt like I needed a nap. I could sense the great passion for serving as many people as they could all in the name of Jesus. They are doing much and realize that this is just the tip of iceberg.
I am grateful for what God is doing through Living Waters Ministry. I am grateful for my time of learning and listening today. I am grateful for people who had a vision to begin this ministry and their willingness to follow through to make that vision a reality. I am grateful that all of this is being done in the name of Jesus to help heal a broken world.
If you want to learn more about this amazing ministry, you can check out their website
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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