Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy what would of been 28th Birthday James! RIP

Me and James always together
 Today would of been my Nephew James Waitman Hopkins 28th Birthday today! I miss him every single day. He was so full of life. He loved to make people laugh even if it made him look completely dorky lol. He was always happy. He was so smart. He was great with kids and I know my kids would have loved him so much. I know he is watching over us because I feel him sometimes. He was my best friend growing up. He would sleep over my house or me sleep over my sisters house whenever he was over. We would stay up all night playing the Nintendo and try beating the games. We would make scary houses, clubs, silly houses, bars, and forts. We go exploring the desert. We had some wild imaginations. When I got married and began having kids he was over my house alot almost every day to eat my food and drink my drinks and take up my couch and watch movies and stuff with me! He was always there for me to cheer me up! Don't get me wrong we had some brutal fights from time to time but you could never keep us apart lol. We just had that inseparable bond. He was the only person who understood me and my actions and listen to me and stood up for me. He was a awesome person! He wasn't perfect and did get in trouble and got caught up in things I wish he didn't and maybe he would of still been here today but he did and he isn't that's life. But I love he because of his flaws and he loved me because of mine! HE passed away 4 days after my daughter was born and put in NICU and struggling for her own life so I didn't get to go to his funeral and say my good byes. That still hurts to this day! But when he passed he took care of my little girl and gave her life and her fight and she survived and I know he was there watching over her. Thank you James! I miss you soooo much! I miss your smile and laugh! I miss you singing to the top of your lungs country songs to me and any girls walking by lol. I  miss sitting and talking with you all night! Happy birthday in Heaven I know You are partying it up with all the Hott Angels dancing and singing and enjoying cheesecake and a awesome feast! LOVE YOU!!! I will see you again!
My muscle man Too sexy for his shirt
high school graduation
Me , James and Kristina 3 amigos
My Daughter Megan and James

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