Monday, March 21, 2011

Live from the Mall Food Court!

I'm blogging this evening at Peachtree Center Mall Food Court in Atlanta, Georgia. The mall it attached to the hotel that is hosting the Habitat for Humanity conference that I am attending. I am blogging from the mall food court because when we arrived at the hotel and inquired about Internet service, they told us there was a $14.99 Internet connection fee per 24 hours that you have to charge to your room. They said they would discount Habitat Conference participants and we would only have to pay $6.99 per 24 hours. I thought this was both outrageous and stupid. They are charging way too much money to sleep in their hotel and then they want to charge for Internet. I think it's price gouging at it's finest.
I called my supervisor and told her about it. She told me to go ahead and pay the fee so that I could have Internet access. Before I did, I wanted to check out my surroundings. So, I went hunting for the fitness center so that I could walk tomorrow morning. I found out that next to the fitness center entrance is the entrance to the mall food court. I wandered around and found the sign that said "free hot spot". I went and got my sister's laptop and here I am blogging away.
I do have to listen to annoying mall musack but I am grateful that they have a Dairy Queen in the food court. The mall closes at six but they don't lock things up until around 10:30 PM. I found this out from the maintenance guy. I was hoping to watch Netflix in my room on the laptop but that's okay. I have cable in my room and as far as I can tell they're not charging me additional money for that.
We had a good trip down here to Atlanta. I am looking forward the conference. I was here less than a half hour and already ran into someone I know. He is one of my former church members. He works for Habitat for Humanity in Los Angeles. I look forward to catching up with him later in the week.
We'll they are mopping the floor at the mall food court and need me to move to another table. I guess this is a good time to wrap it up for today. Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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