Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MonkeyFace Chronicles... Wait What has Happened to our World!

(First off what's wrong with the picture on the left? Healthy... BAM....) I haven't finished the book quite yet but I see why it's up for White Pine this year. So far though the thing that has stirred the most- emotion, or outrage in me is Adeline. Or "Fat-o-Line" was the chosen name given to her by bullies with seriously nothing else to do! How low do you have to go to insult someone like that? But anyways she ends up moving to Toronto to live with her dad because her mom... had severe "religious beliefs" and if her daughter did not follow them she would be beaten. While she's in the city, her outlook has totally changed. She constantly needs to loose 10 more pounds on the "Barbie" (ha, ha, ha) scale while I'm guessing from the discription the author has "painted" for me, I would say she's gorgeous! I'm also freaking out because she fainted and her friend was "forcing" her to eat. All the while she kept saying "I want to look like that!" (pointing to a poster of a skin-and-bones model in a bikini, I SWEAR that is unhealthy and that the model is going to drop dead of starvation by choice... ha ha ironic that there are children faced with dieing from starvation... wouldn't they be so happy to know that in North American standards they're showing ribs are top-notch!) It's disgusting to me that waying 90 pounds (at age 18+), eating three leaves per day all to be "in". OMG Orphans of Africa  your parents may be dead and your starving, but did you know that in North America your HOT? Yup, you guys are just like models except you aren't being paid to starve and wear random clothes. Dear Saine World, what has happened to you? I'm beginnging to think maybe the end of the world is coming in 2012! (End note there is nothing wrong with being naturally skinny. Far from it. My point is that if you are not natually 90 pounds at age 20 than don't sweat it! Be beautiful the way you are... be vibrant and don't fall into the trap propaganda is putting out. Be happy:) What do you think... am I reading too far into this or do you agree, models are tooo thin!

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