Sunday, March 20, 2011

Youth Sunday

Today was Youth Sunday at my church. The members of the youth group led the service. The youth choir sang. Four youth spoke. Some of the youth ushered. Others read Scripture and one boy played the piano. It was probably one of the best youth services I have ever attended. It was well organized and the youth all did a wonderful job. I was particularly touched by the four speakers. They gave brief testimonies and talked about how the church and the youth group had made a difference in their lives.
I was never very good at youth leadership when I was in the local church. I tried but it was not where my gifts really are. I was better one-on-one with youth. I think this is one of the reasons why I was so impressed with the service this morning. While none of the youth leaders of the church said a single word or were even sitting up front with the youth, I know all of those youth are participating because there are people in the church who are passionate about youth ministry. I know that God is moving in some huge ways in my church through the youth ministry.
It's a blessing for me to be a part of a church that takes youth ministry seriously. It's obvious that youth are experiencing the love of Christ through the church.
I'm off to Atlanta tomorrow morning.  I will be there all week for the national Habitat for Humanity conference. I am really looking forward to the week. I am hoping to learn new ideas and ways to serve families better.
Thanks to my sister Stacey, I will be able to keep up with my blogging. Stacey loaned me her old laptop computer for the week. Cameron has been using it to play games. The keyboard was a little sticky, but I got that cleaned up.
I hope you have a great week. Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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