Monday, March 28, 2011

On Hold with the IRS

I spent about an hour on the phone this evening with the Internal Revenue Service. Most of that hour was listening to really bad music and a recorded voice telling me to continue to hold because all operators were busy helping other people.
The reason I called the IRS was in response to a notice I got in the mail today that said that I owed the Department of Treasury $1,404.00. The letter said they had reviewed changes I had made to my 2010 tax return and as a result, I now owe the government this money. The problem is that I never made any changes to my 2010 tax return. I couldn't figure out what was up so I called them.
After being on hold the first time for about fifteen minutes, I spoke with an IRS employee who couldn't figure out why I received the letter. She asked me if I had filed an amended return and I told her that I had not. She then put me on hold for another fifteen minutes while I waited to talk to someone else. The second person I talked to also could not figure out why I had received this notice. She asked me all the same questions that the first person did. She then put a hold on my account and told me the matter would be reviewed and the IRS would contact me within 30 days.
I'm hoping this is just a mistake. If it's not, I hope they have some kind of payment plan option. I am just hoping that I don't have IRS agents storm into my apartment with orders to haul me off to federal prison.
I'll let you know what happens. Of course, that's if they let you blog from federal prison.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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