Sunday, August 21, 2011

Commissioner power rankings: NFL Roger Goodell has everything

 0 times, vertical jump height, the accuracy of all content intermediate routes, more or less. Terrell Pryor has shown nothing in his time, but Saturday was as impressive as its inverse.

Whatever. His Excellency, Roger I, the victory again. Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner / NCAA reaffirmed its superiority. And yes, this has been hard at work in this area only a day before.

But the iron fist with which he led his sport is even stronger in relation to the major sports, in almost every measurable aspect.
Pryor back that stepped up. A challenge, seemingly sensible decision was quickly abandoned.

In the big picture that best served the entire league, every team, every player and Pryor, in particular, is probably what needs to be done. Finally, I could not leave the NFL with as many as a blow, and the same could be said for a career Pryor.

Never works as well as for any other sport. Perhaps the real world is not not to bring in the reign of Teflon Goodell's main sponsor. On the other hand, who knows? It may be in the works.

The upper position where it belonged Goodell, David Stern for decades. Not so much in the implementation of a championship, the NBA is not the sticks? It's ridiculous, but do everything right and still moves with the correct key.

If the timing in the last game of the NBA Finals this year to leave good marks and the Supreme Court of buzz, you can your league over 30 years of broadcasting under his government against any section of 30 years for all major sports for ever, without question each execution of a commission. Factor in the depths of this brought the NBA, it is No. 1 all time.

The problem is that hes not on top. Suppose it comes over time, which means that sooner rather than later. He can not stay forever, and how their actions and decisions seem more imperial and moody, and when he leads the NBA in a blockade of a second in just 13 years hes back in the race to deliver a vulnerable link in danger all the dynamics that he built. The NBA is also in his second successor, Commissioner Adam Silver pulled the second five years ago, after a long time from second in command Russ Granik.

Finally, each person on the planet, probably not even Stern, a pragmatist in the Fund believes that the NBA's blockade of the NFL ignored as easily as he did, even in the unlikely event that does not lose games.

How many ingredients to the uncertainty are needed?

However, if star, for once, look at the benefits of a change other commissioners, it is still hovering over Bud Selig and Gary Bettman. As it should be.

In fact, it was a moment in June when it's pretty cool Bettman after the seventh game of the Stanley Cup finals, one win, the Bruins ended a long drought and goalie Tim Thomas Cup could have been anointed America.

Then came the ice with the trophy and Vancouver, Bettman was booed back to the United States. Protesters then burned the city almost. Then the Atlanta market not as a second time in the NHL (although for the benefit of Canada). Then a second active player died in the space of three months under mysterious circumstances, both fought for mental health problems and his death fans are wondering what the league has done to help their players.

Unfortunately for Bettman, which could contain one of the best off-season.

Then theres Selig. You might also consider this was relatively easy. All he had to do is to fight against Dodgers owner Frank McCourt, the bankruptcy court, and keep an eye on the Mets team that increased over the direction of their fellowship with the owners of Bernie Madoff. Has to its credit, however, later baseball batting house 600 not before Congress, appeared on the website or Victor Conte was interviewed by George Mitchell.

So, in retrospect, maybe it was not fair to punish Goodell run two miles. It might be better to encourage him into another role.

Or two. Or three.

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