Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 9 Back to School Event- Piggy Paint the safe polish review and giveaway ends 9-9

Having 5 girls aged 3 up to 12 we have alot of girly stuff around. All my girls love to dress up and look pretty. They love makeup and fingernail polish but some of the polish out on the market stink, and have so many chemicals not safe for kids or even adults. That why I love Piggy Paint.
Piggy Paint offers a natural, safe nail polish that is safe enough to put on your kids. They offer the Piggy Paint line with kids colors, the Project Earth line with teen colors, and the Refined line with sophisticated colors for adults! We love it beyond words. I love that it has no scent and no chemicals. Especially with my younger kids who I swear have their fingers back in their mouths right after I paint them lol. I love that it goes on easily and dries fast for my kids who are always on the move and don't have time to wait for their beautiful nails to dry. It does chip a little faster then other paints but I think that is a good trade for no smell or chemicals. Piggy Paint also hasLow odor, hypoallergenic nail polish remover that we absolutely love. It has barely any smell unlike others that stink up the whole house and it quickly gets the polish off and safely. I love that. 
So if you have girls like mine who are very girly and love to dress up you have to check out Piggy Paint. Perfect for back to school so they can have pretty nails like their friends. So head over and check out their variety of colors for kids, teens and adults. You will love them!

I am giving one lucky reader a $15 gift Certificate to Piggy Paint yay!

To enter:
1. Go to Piggy Paint and tell me your favorite color

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2.Follow me
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4.Blog about this giveaway with link back to Mommies Angels this will count for 4 entries
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14. Post this giveaway on any giveaway site, Online Sweepstakes, Mr Linky, or other networking website-leave the link where I can find it (5 entry for each site)
15. Vote for me on Picket Fences (Daily)

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