Monday, August 1, 2011

I Really Need to Get a Life

I really need to get a life. I have been surfing the web this evening trying to find pirated videos of last night's The Glee Project episode. If you don't know, The Glee Project is a reality show in which the winner will get a new part on the show Glee for at least seven episodes. I'm sure if the winner is popular with fans of the show, something bigger could come of the part.
I've shared with you in the past that The Glee Project is one of my summer guilty pleasures. I have been watching the show on the Internet. However, due to legal issues (lawyers just seem to know how to ruin everything), the episodes are not available on Hulu or the Oxygen website until Thursdays. Well, that conflicts with my watching of the weekly results show of So You Think You Can Dance which is my other summer guilty pleasure.
I also really wanted to see the episode tonight because I saw on the web today that Cameron quit the show and I wanted to find out what happened. While I'm really routing for Damian or Hannah, I have enjoyed watching Cameron on the show. He is very talented and I have been glad to see Cameron, who is a Christian, talk about his faith and Christian values on the show. He has struggled the past two weeks and so I knew that this might be a hard episode for him because the theme was sexuality. Well, it appears that he struggled so much that he decided to quit.
Anyway, I have been searching around on YouTube for pirated copies of the episode. Often times people will video tape their television screen. The quality is not always very good but I thought at least I could figure out what had happened.
What I discovered is that the lawyers for Glee must have a lot of time on their hands. Several of these homemade videos have already been taken down. I did find some clips of the show but not enough to fill in all the pieces. I could figure out why Damian was in the bottom three again and why Ryan Murphy wanted to send him home. If Cameron had not dropped out, Damian would have been sent packing. He was able to save his friend and I wanted to see that drama unfold tonight and not wait until Thursday. After all, I am an American and I want everything and I want it now - especially my entertainment.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday. Like I said, I really need to get a life.
Thanks for putting up with me and ramblings and thank you for being a part of my journey!

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