Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 2 back to school event Educational Insights- Human body poster and giveaway ends 8-26

I am fascinated with the anything that has to do with anatomy and health. I think it is so amazing how our bodies work. I try to teach my kids about their body as well because I mean there body are the most important thing to take care of and if they know how it works then they understand their bodies alot better. So when we got the chance to try out Inside Out Lenticular Human Body Poster I was excited!
Inside Out ™ Lenticular Human Body Poster
A seriously awesome poster for any science fan! Don’t look away! A magical way to present the carious layers of the human body, the Lenticular Human Body Poster shifts from two kids to their skeletal systems, muscular systems, and organs. You won’t believe your eyes! Grades 1+/Ages 6+ 
When we got it we were excited to open it and check it out. The kids immediately thought it was pretty cool. They always loved those cards you move to change the scene and this is exactly what this does. You look at it one way you see two kids standing there. Then look at it different then you see their bones or organ systems or muscular system. This was pretty neat. It was a good size so they could really see the details. The only thing I would change is there should be some labeling on it so they can learn what they are actually looking at. Other than that this would be a great poster for the kids that loves human science or high school or college kids learning biology. So head over to Educational insights and check out the Inside Out ™ Lenticular Human Body Poster.

We are giving one lucky reader a Inside Out ™ Lenticular Human Body Poster yay!

To Enter:
1. Tell me why you would love this poster?

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