Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Wonderful Evening of Writing

I just got back home from the gathering of writers. It was a reunion of folks who were in my writing class and I also invited my former boss from Habitat to join us. We had the most wonderful evening. One of the people in the group hosted us in his home. His wife treated us to a delicious dinner. I felt like I was in heaven - good food, laughter, and writing. It really doesn't get much better than that for me.
It looks like we are going to try to get together once a month. We are going to share what we've written and get feedback. I am glad to have this as a part of life. I think it will really help me to be more disciplined in my writing. Tonight really got me excited again about my novel. Hopefully I will get back in the groove.
Well, it's an early day for me tomorow so I think I'm headed to bed. Thanks for being a part of my journey!

P.S. - Thanks for your continued prayers for our family recruitment efforts at Habitat. In the past two days, we received seven more new applications. I am so excited!

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