Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Ready

I went up to Oxford, Ohio today to meet with one of our Habitat Partner Families. If you don't know, Oxford is the home of Miami University. It is a small college town that most likely would not exist without the college.
As we drove through the Miami campus, there was a real sense of anticipation. Very soon the campus will be bustling with students as the fall term begins. I realized as we drove through the small downtown business district that was practically a ghost town today will in less than two weeks be bustling with cars and people. Everywhere I looked there were signs that University employees and the city itself were preparing for a new year full of promise.
I invite you to join me in praying for all of our college students as they prepare to begin another year of school. Some are just beginning. Some are looking forward to a final year and then onto the world of employment (if they can find jobs in this stagnant economy). Wherever students find themselves, I hope and pray that God will help them to learn, to grow, and to be who God created them to be.
Thank you for your prayers and for being a part of my journey!

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