Monday, August 1, 2011

Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program- Pre-program post

So I was so excited to be told I am part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger program. I have heard alot about the program and have always wondered if it really works. So for being part of the program I get 3 months of the food and online support free in return for weekly blog post about my progress and a monthly video post. I am so excited to get started.

I have went through 6 pregnancies in the last 12 1/2 years and my body has been stretched every way possible lol. I love my kids and wouldn't change it no matter what but now I am done having kids I would like to get rid of my mommy belly and thighs. I am only 5 foot 2 inches so very short ha ha but I am now up to 130 pounds which is how much I weighed when I gave birth to my oldest lol. I have always been around 105 pounds my whole life. My whole family has always been really thin until after kids with the exception of my one sister who still is only 90 pounds. I do know I can expect to be 105 again but I would like to be at least 115 and toned up again. I want to go from a size 9 in jeans to a size 5 at least I mean I would love a size 3 but not gonna push my luck lol.

 I have starting the P90X exercising for 3 weeks now and its intense but alot of the workouts I cant do with my prior injuries and illnesses so I just mainly do the 45 minutes of the cardio every other day and sometimes daily depending on how I feel. I have tries alot of these fad diets out there to no prevail. I have tried many diet pills just to get major headaches and sick. I tried different exercise programs but I think diet and exercise go hand in hand. Most diets I have tried there isn't much variety other than salads, fruits, and yogurt and chicken.  The first week goes great then starts the getting sick of the same old foods over and over and I give up or I am always starving and weak and the diet doesn't fulfill me. So I am excited to see How Nutrisystem works, how their food tastes, and how my progress goes. I know they have a huge selection of different foods so I am not worried of getting sick of the same old food and that is a great thing plus any diet that includes desserts has to be good right ha ha.

Right now I am waiting for my first shipment of food and then I will start the system and start my journey with Nutrisystem and posting weekly about my journey. So make sure you come back and check them out weekly and give me some support and motivation because I will need it lol! So keep your eyes open for them very soon!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

*I am part of Nutrisystems Blogger program and I received 3 months of the system and food free but it in no way altered my opinions. These are my honest opinions and my journey with the program! I did not receive am other compensation for these post and will not receive any other compensation!

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