Saturday, August 13, 2011

Glee in 3D

I've been filled with anticipation about the Glee Live Concert movie. I was going to wait a few weeks so that the theater wouldn't be so crowded. Then I thought that it might not be in theaters very long. So, I treated myself to a matinee showing of the movie this afternoon. Actually the theater wasn't too crowed. I had a whole row to myself. I was by far at the upper end of the age range of the audience.
I really enjoyed the movie but I think I would have enjoyed the live concert better. However, I'm sure the concert tickets were much more expensive than the movie tickets. I'm not sure I really understand why they had to film it in 3D. Beyond some confetti and streamers at the end that looked like they were flying out into the theater and the end of some hand held microphones that looked like they were going to poke me in the eye, there was really not much to the 3D. The songs were great and it was wonderful to see all of my favorite Glee characters singing and dancing.
I really enjoyed the three stories that they shared that went along with Glee's main theme of acceptance of people who are different than we are. There were some amazing people who really poured their hearts out and allowed us to see them in a whole different way. They talked about how Glee had expressed something to the world that they themselves had been living from day to day. I got a little teary-eyed on more than one occasion when watching these segments of the movie.
So, if you are a die-hard Glee fan, I would highly recommend the movie. If you have never really watched Glee, then you should probably wait until the DVD version comes out. Either way, I think you will be entertained and experience the joy that is Glee.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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