Sunday, December 5, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend has been full of blessings for me. I shared yesterday about staying in the whole day and working on my short story for my creative writing class. I can say that it is closer to being complete than it was yesterday; however, it is still not where I want it to be. I guess writing is like that. Eventually you have to say you're done but I'm not ready to do that just yet. I have enough to present to my class tomorrow night. I am hoping for some constructive feedback. The story is sure in a very different place than it was last week.
I also got to connect with some friends this weekend. I talked to a few on the phone and also spent some time with one dear friend. I am ever grateful for my friends who lift me up and support along life's journey. I can't say that I have very many close friends but those that I do count as friends are more precious to me than gold.
Last night I watched the movie Toy Story 3. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a wonderful way to wrap up this trilogy of movies. I really enjoyed the first two and the third did not disappoint. There were some moments during the end that I found myself feeling a little weepy. I am still a sucker for movies that pull on the heartstrings. I would highly recommend this movie if you haven't already seen it.
Today I experienced a wonderful worship service. It was a time of praise to God as well as a time to hear God's Word proclaimed. I really enjoyed the sermon. It both inspired and challenged me in my journey of faith and life.
Tonight I am at my sister Stacey and brother-in-law Rob's house. I am spending the night with my nephew Cameron while his parents are in Indianapolis. Cameron's cousin Patrick will be having surgery at Riley Children's hospital tomorrow and Rob and Stacey wanted to be with Patrick's parents. I know that the family would appreciate your prayers.
Spending time with Cameron is always a great joy in my life. He challenges me and takes me outside my comfort zone a lot. Soon after his parents left the house, Cameron asked me if I would go outside with him and smash rocks. I told him that there were several things inherently outside of Uncle Kevin's comfort zone in this request. First, Uncle Kevin doesn't go outside unless absolutely necessary. Secondly, Uncle Kevin rarely smashes anything unless it might be a potato. Thirdly, the rocks looked awfully dirty (see point one). So, Cameron said; "Okay, I'll just go get the hammer and do it myself." I asked him if he was supposed to be using a hammer to smash rocks and he told me it would be okay. I just didn't look out the window. It was better that way.
After the rock smashing incident, we went to McDonald's (Cameron's favorite restaurant). They have a big play area and it was full of screaming sticky children tonight. Why I thought this would be a good idea I do not know. I think I hoped Cameron would play hard and then he would go to sleep a bit easier tonight. We'll see how that works out later this evening. I know that I will be ready for bed tonight.
I hope that your weekend has been full of blessings. I am looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow. I have a lot to do. I feel like I'm still catching up from being gone on vacation.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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