Sunday, November 7, 2010

Answered Prayers

I have been experiencing in the past several weeks the amazing power of answered prayers. While I know that God hears my prayers and has answered my prayers in the past, I still am deeply humbled when I experience prayers being answered in my life.
I certainly don't deserve to have my prayers answered. I also realize that there are many, many times that God answers my prayers and I don't recognize it. I also know that often times my prayers are answered in God's time which has little to do with my expectations and hopes. While I really like it when God's answer is "yes" to my prayers, I also know that God's answer many times is "no" to my prayers because I don't know what is really best for me or the world.
I must say that after all of these years of experiencing prayer in my life and in the lives of others, it still is a great mystery to me. I have taught classes and preached sermons about prayer. I have also read several books and, of course, been a practitioner of prayer and yet I still don't really get it. I know it's one of the primary ways in which I can stay in touch with God. I know it's vital to my relationship with God. I know that prayer has the power to change me. I know that when I am praying, my will can become more closely aligned with God's will. I also know that prayer fills me up when I am spent. Prayer calms me when I am full of anxiety. I know prayer heals me. Prayer is key to my journey of life and faith.
It's in times like these, when I experience the power of answered prayers, that I experience the depth of God's amazing love for me and the world. For this, I am ever grateful.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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