Sunday, November 14, 2010

Take Me Home Country Roads

Tonight my sister Stacey and I attended a concert of the Cincinnati Pops at Music Hall. It featured Jim Currey who sings the music of John Denver. When I first heard a commercial for this concert, I called Stacey and said that I wanted to go. She also was really excited about it. We have looking forward to this evening for several weeks.
While there was not enough time in the concert for them to play all of the John Denver music that I know and love, they did a lot of the standards. Currey encouraged the audience to sing along and I did not hesitate to do so. We sang everything from Take Me Home Country Roads to Grandma's Feather Bed. It was great. Currey claims not to be an impersonator of John Denver. He just likes to perform his music. However, he does play the part a bit. He parts his hair in the middle, wears glasses, and sounds a lot like John Denver when he sings. There were a few brief moments when I thought I was actually listening to John Denver sing.
I remember when I went to see John Denver in concert at the University of Notre Dame when I was growing up. It was a wonderful evening. I also remember listening to his music at home when I young. I had at least one John Denver record album and I think possibly an 8-track tape. Those were the days.
Tonight was fun and a wonderful blessing. It brought back so many memories and was so great to hear John Denver's music for a whole evening.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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