Saturday, November 13, 2010


I had a wonderful visit on the phone today with one of my friends from Indiana. Terry and I have not talked for a few years and it was good to hear his voice and catch up with him. We seemed to pick up right where we left off. It sounds like God is blessing he and his wife Susan in some amazing ways. I was glad to hear that things are going well for him and there are new possibilities on the horizon for them.
Terry and Susan were God's living grace to me when I was serving as the pastor at Lydick UMC. They were some of my closest friends and confidants. They listened to me whine a whole lot. They helped me to grow in my faith. They held me accountable and loved me through times when I was not so lovable. They helped me to grow in my faith and relationship with Christ in ways that I cannot begin to understand. Some of my best memories of my time in Lydick are of talking late into the evening with Terry and Susan in their home.
So, I'm giving God thanks for my conversation with Terry today. It was a huge blessing to me.
I hope you are having a great weekend. Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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