Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby Hip Hugger saves your hips and pleases your baby

Its been over 12 year since I have not had a kid on my hip well unless you count my nieces and nephews then its been 20 something years. Now a days they have all kids of cool things to carry your kids around but its hard to find ones for toddlers. Well Baby Hip Hugger is made just for toddlers and well babies too.
 What is Baby Hip Hugger? It looks like a fanny pack and I know some of you know what those are ha ha. It is a belt that Velcros and buckles around your hips. It has pockets to store your stuff in and it has a seat for your little one to sit on. Now of course it doesn't make you hands free but it supports their weight better and puts less stress on your spine and hips.  Plus its more comfortable for your baby as well.
I got the toddler size one in beige. It arrived in a cute box and I was so surprised how small it was. I thought it was gonna to be alot bigger and bulkier but it was perfect. So how well does it work? Well I strapped it on (the tighter the better). It was pretty comfortable and easy and not too restricting. Now my 2 year old loves to be held by Mommy and Mommy only so she immediately tried it out. She fit perfectly on to the little seat. She thought it was kind of neat. She kept feeling it and checking it out. I immediately felt relieved and less pain while holding her. I have a really bad back especially after I broke it 2 years ago so holding her is hard for me but with the Baby Hip Hugger I can hold 3 times as long with less pain. That makes my baby girl happy and me happy.
So if you have a little one that loves to be held you have to check out Baby Hip Hugger. I am sure you will love it and so will your little one!

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