Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

We had a snow day in the Cincinnati area for most schools today. I'm not sure how much snow we ended up getting, but it didn't seem like much to me. Of course everyone was hoarding food again at the grocery stores last night. The weather people seemed all in a panic because the snow moved through the area later than they had predicted it would. They kept showing the radar for Indianapolis and saying "It's coming! It's on it's way! It's almost here!"
This morning, I started the day with my morning walk. It was a bit cold in the wind and the snow was just starting. the roads were not very good when I was headed to the office but on the way home they were fine. They simply don't have the equipment to really get out and get ahead of the snow.
The same thing is true at my apartment complex. I think the maintenance staff got a new snow blower. However, they didn't get around to removing the snow in front of my building until just as I was getting home from work today.
Work was pretty quiet today. Karen and I were the only ones to make it in. Of course, the Northern Indiana people who are used to a lot of snow were not fazed by the snow storm that scared everyone in Cincinnati. It was kind of nice. The phone didn't ring too much at the office and I got a lot done.
I'm not sure what tomorrow will be like. There is a possibility of more snow. I don't think it will be anywhere near what they are getting on the East Coast.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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