Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I find myself really struggling to get a handle on my personal finances. I am making progress in this part of my life but it's really difficult to stay focused. I have never been very good at managing my money. While I preached many sermons on the importance of being good stewards with what God has blessed us, I must admit that I did not always practiced what I preached. I really dug myself a hole.
However, with the start of 2011, I have decided to redouble my efforts. I have recommitted myself to being completely debt free in two years. I think it's possible but I realize that it's going to be a hard road. It certainly won't be much fun but I know it will be worth it in the end.
Like the discipline of preparing for the half-marathon that I am undertaking, it is going to take some sacrifice. It's going to mean giving up some things so that I can meet my goal. It's going to mean being focused on my plan.
I know there will be times when I will want to give up. I know there will be times when I just want to buy something I don't need or want to spend money on something that would put me over my budget. I know there will be days when I will ignore my plan and really mess up. However, I also know that God will be with me and offer me the grace to re-focus and begin again.
My hope and my prayer in all of this is that I will become a more disciplined person in all parts of my life. I want to be a better steward of my body and my money. I want to discover the freedom that comes through focused discipline. I want to sincerely hunger for the things of God more and more each day. I want to become the person who God created me to be. I want to be perfected in God's gracious love as I move forward in faith and life.
I am so grateful that you have chosen to join me along this path of discipline. Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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