Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good Day

Today was a good day.
  • I started off with my morning walk. It has warmed up a few degrees here in the Cincinnati area. However, when I walked this morning, the wind was blowing pretty hard. I found myself in some places feeling a bit frozen. I only walked two miles. Next week I start my full training schedule for the half-marathon. The shortest distance I walk during this time will be three miles so I am really going to have to step it up if I'm going to be prepared for the half-marathon.
  • I then ran some errands and then came home and did laundry and cleaning. I knew that if I didn't at least do some cleaning and laundry it would not get done. One of my New Year's resolutions was to try to keep myself on a cleaning routine and Saturday seems to work best for me. So, before I got on with the rest of my day, I decided to get as much done as I could.
  • After lunch and watching an episode of the series Alien Nation through my Netflix subscription, I headed off to my nephew Cameron's basketball game. Cameron did well. I can tell that he is getting better. I met my sisters Stacey and Shelly and my nephew Michael at the game. Shelly and Michael are up for the weekend.
  • After the game, Shelly met her friends John and Lisa and their son Hank at Ikea and I went back to Stacey's house and played a few rounds of Wii bowling with my nephews. I must brag about my nephew Cameron. He is a very good bowler. Both nephews beat me pretty badly at bowling.
  • Shelly and her friends returned to Stacey's house from Ikea and we had a shrimp boil dinner. It was quite delicious. Then we did our Christmas gift exchange.
  • After dinner we played some games. John and Lisa are big board game players. They always have new and innovative games to play. I was lost through the first game but got into the second game a bit more.
Tomorrow after church we are getting together for lunch before Shelly, Michael, John, Lisa, and Hank leave town.
I took Monday off from work so I have a long weekend. I need to get a few things done and I'm hoping to maybe take in a movie.
Today was a good day for me. Time with family and friends. Good food. Games. Life is good.
I hope you are having a great weekend. Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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