Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick Day

O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
- Psalm 30:2, NRSV

I've been in bed most of today. I have some kind of bad head cold or sinus infection or something that has me so stuffed up and unable to breath well that I haven't slept much the past few nights. Some of my co-workers have been sick and I'm wondering if I got it from them.
I am not a good sick person. I want to be babied and waited on. When you live alone that's hard to make happen. I remember when I was growing up my Mom would give me a little silver bell to ring if I needed her in the middle of the night when I was sick. I was thinking about getting a bell last night when I was in bed trying to sleep. I'm not sure my Mom would hear it way down in Texas if I rang it. I'm also not sure any of my neighbors would care or come to my rescue if I rang it. I guess if it was loud enough, they might call the police. Maybe I could get a police officer to rub Vicks-Vapo-Rub on my chest. They are supposed to serve and protect after all.
Thankfully I made it to the grocery store yesterday after walking before I started feeling really bad. I went over to my friend Karen's yesterday for a short while to watch a movie in the afternoon after we walked. She gave me vitamin C, hot tea with honey, and some kind of green juice substance made from fruits and vegetables. It looked horrible but was quite tasty.
I started feeling really bad while we were watching the movie. I came home earlier than planned from Karen's and had a miserable evening. I have not been out of my apartment all day today and am not going to work if I don't feel better tomorrow morning. I don't want to risk giving everyone at the office what I have.
Well, I'm back to the couch. Thankfully it's only a few steps from the computer.
Thanks for being a part of my journey!

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